Carbon offsets
What are carbon offsets?
A carbon offset is generated by an activity that removes Green House Gas emissions from the atmosphere. One carbon credit is the equivalent of one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e).
There are a wide variety of carbon offsets however we focus on quality, certified native forest plantations, biochar, Bioenergy Carbon Credit Sequestration, carbon negative building products, blue carbon (mangrove planting) and soil carbon (increased carbon in soils).
Our portfolio
At Decarbonology, we have our own portfolio of international and Australian carbon credits with a focus on biodiverse native regeneration of degraded farmland in Western Australia. Carbon offsets can include improved economic, social and cultural co-benefits (ESG) and or the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Our focus in on carbon credits from the following registries ; Voluntary Carbon Standard (Verra) Registry, the Gold Standard Impact Registry, or the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU).
Choosing the right carbon credits for you.
Carbon credits differ enormously between type, vintage, location, standard, ESG & SDG benefits, price, verification, quality etc. In addition, not all types of carbon credits are eligible for Climate Active certification.
We recommend you speak to one of our advisors to clarify what type of carbon credits are suitable for you, your company or organisation.
Decarbonology provides offsetting advice, we can purchase and retire certified credits on appropriate carbon registries. Decarbonology aims to provide clarity and transparency in the carbon credit market. If required, Decarbonology can also provide carbon offset certificates.

Native tree plantation offsets
Carbon offsets available - 2021 onwards
New biodiverse plantings using native trees endemic to the region.
Location: International
Standard: Independently verified under international certification framework. A qualified third party verifies the project to ensure that 1 carbon credit = 1 tonne CO2-e. Each offset is uniquely identified.
* Contact us for the latest prices

Carbon offsets available - 2021 onwards
Biochar made from managed forest biomass
Location: Western Australia and Europe
Standard: Independently verified under international certification framework. A qualified third party verifies the project to ensure that 1 carbon credit = 1 tonne CO2-e. Each offset is uniquely identified.
High-quality biochar contains >85% carbon. Each metric ton of sequesters 2,8 tons of CO2 for centuries. They are certified by the EBC (European Biochar Certification).
* Contact us for the latest prices

Soil carbon
Carbon offsets available - 2022 onwards
Soil carbon sequestration
Location: International
Standard: Independently verified under international certification framework. A qualified third party verifies the project to ensure that 1 carbon credit = 1 tonne CO2-e. Each offset is uniquely identified.
* Contact us for the latest prices

Our Projects