Consulting Services
We support businesses in creating circular economies to decarbonise supply chains and develop emission reduction strategies. Across multiple sectors, we work closely with our clients to develop and deliver complete sustainability solutions and achieve their Net Zero targets.
Our experienced carbon advisors work with them to collect both direct and indirect emissions data to produce reports compliant with international standards. We audit companies’ compliance with relevant standards and identify beneficial opportunities. Our assessments are in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard and the Australian Government's Climate Active program.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Benchmarking
Your organisation may need to provide GHG Inventory reports for several reasons:
Compliance with the Australian Government’s Climate Active program
Supply chain pressure or tender requirements
To develop an emissions reduction plan or a strategy to achieve Net Zero targets
To understand your organisations own GHG emissions.
Our experienced carbon advisors work with you to measure your GHG emissions and can assist in developing a roadmap to reduce your company’s emissions. We use proprietary datasets, systems and methodologies developed over the last twenty years in accordance with international standards. These standards include:
ISO 14064-1:2018 and ISO 14064-2:2018 Greenhouse gases
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
NGERS (National Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reporting Scheme)
Using our proprietary software, our transparent and auditable reporting framework can be replicated for future reporting periods. This framework can also be applied to greenhouse gas benchmarking across a range of sectors and greenhouse gas emissions determination and carbon reduction strategies for Environmental Impact Assessments.
Life Cycle Analysis
An LCA measures the environmental impact of a product or service. As the name suggests, it takes into account the entire life cycle of that product or service, from cradle to grave. This begins when the raw materials are extracted and processed and ends when the product is recycled or disposed of. A full LCA considers all upstream and downstream components of the supply chain.
We provide full Life Cycle Assessment reviews for your company and products in accordance with the following standards:
ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and frameworks
ISO 14044:2006 – Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines
Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.
Energy Audit
Energy audits are increasingly being used as a means of reducing energy costs and moving towards a more sustainable operating framework. The benefits of conducting an energy audit includes:
Reducing expenditure on energy
Reducing consumption without compromising the overall output
Reducing your company’s environmental impact
Gaining information to make informed investment decisions.
Our experienced energy auditors will deliver high quality audits that comply with verification standards set by Australian Energy Audit Standards
AS/NZS 3598.1:2014 Energy audits: Commercial buildings
AS/NZS 3598.2:2014 Energy audits: Industrial and related activities
AS/NZS 3598.3:2014 Energy audits: Transport related activities.
In addition to compliance with the above standards, the complexity and scope of an energy audit is determined by the site and the operational processes undertaken:
Basic energy audit – a simple, cost-effective high-level audit suitable for small sites. Broad recommendations for energy saving opportunities.
Detailed general audit – site wide energy audits with specific recommendations to inform decisions on energy conservation measures.
Precision sub-system audit – specialised audits on a sub-system within a site, providing precise information on specific energy saving measures related to the sub-system.
Energy Efficiency and Management
Energy management systems provide a framework for organisations to monitor and manage their energy use and establish the necessary systems and processes to continually optimise energy performance, use and consumption. This can result in a reduction in operating costs and improved productivity.
We conduct energy and power measurements and implement monitoring systems that reduce the need for manual intervention. In doing so, your processes are streamlined and your reporting capabilities are enhanced.
We audit your compliance with the relevant standards and identify opportunities that may benefit your company:
Energy audits compliant with Australian Audit (AS 3598) standards
Energy efficiency opportunities identification and assessment
Energy and power measurement and monitoring systems
ISO50051 Energy Management Systems standard development and verification.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy systems design and analysis.
Resource monitoring and evaluation.
Pre-feasibility studies and business case development and evaluation.
Process Modification and Sequestration
Cleaner production and eco-efficiency assessments.
Process optimisation.
Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy. Our carbon advisors work with your company staff to collect both direct and indirect emissions data